Dear Diary,
Our 3rd day in Costa Rica was, let’s say, interesting. It all started out great. We were going on a hike! Yep, the whole family (all 11 of us) and Skipper. Costa Rica is beautiful and I was so excited because on the Jeep Tour (Click here for that story), yesterday, there were so many places I wanted to get out, explore and CLIMB! The trees here are amazing for climbing! I took lots of pictures with my new camera!



Mom and Emma
Now, with 10 kids, plus Skipper, everything we do usually turns into a race or some type of competition. All of the little races were going pretty standard until later in the afternoon when a Super Challenge begun. We knew it was the last race of the day, so it got pretty intense. The Super Challenge was for Charlotte, Lea and Jayla to race to a tree, take a picture of a toucan and a sloth (they’re everywhere) and race back.


Brynn and I didn’t do it because Brynn passed out again when she saw a sloth. I stayed with her because I felt bad. Rachel didn’t participate either, she was just done for the day. “I’m so tired. I don’t want to humiliate myself by even trying,” she said. Anyway, here’s how it ended:
- 1st Place: Lea 26 TIME: 26:35
- 2nd Place: Charlotte TIME: 23:29
- 3rd Place: ?
You’re probably thinking, where’s Jayla? We were ALL thinking the same thing. Lea said that when she looked back she only saw Charlotte running. When Charlotte looked back, Jayla was still looking for a sloth.
5 minutes later– Lea and Charlotte came out with Jayla, who was holding her wrist. Apparently, Jayla found a sloth and when she came running back, she tripped over a HUGE stump. Brynn started crying because Jayla’s wrist was just dangling (spoiler: it was broke) so we immediately called mom, who was exploring with some of the others. Mom took her to the hospital and she ended up with a pretty blue cast. We all got to sign it but Maya took over half the cast with her big “M’s” so I had to write my name super little.
And that was our day…a family hike gone bad. With our family, though, I’m a little surprised that that’s all that happened. It could have been A LOT worse. And you know what? It wasn’t all bad. The jungle was completely BEAUTIFUL and for once, nobody fought. Onward to the next adventure here in Costa Rica!
Bye Diary! Here are some pictures from our hike, before Jayla broke her wrist.

**To read about our Costa Rica Trip from the beginning, check out Airport Fun! For the start to Rowan’s Diary, click here- Day 1 in my New Journal. Enjoy!
**As always, we only promote products we have and love! This Barbie is one of our favorites, ok, they’re all our favorites but we like to spread the love. She can get wet and loves the beach! Perfect for summer and hours of playing. Enjoy!
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