Welcome to the Volkswaggon Family!
Dear Diary,
Hello again, it’s Rowan and today’s family that I want to tell you about is the Volkswaggons! They are our newest family here in Barbie World and moved in about 1 year ago. In the Volkswaggon’s, we have the mom, Aurora, and her kids, Lee, Ondina, Starr, Sky, Kiki, and Brooklyn. Starr and Sky are like twins, since they’re only 2 months apart. You may be wondering how that’s possible. Well, Sky is adopted so we all just call them twins. The Volkswaggon family live near the Kramer’s, on a horse farm. They train horses, teach us how to ride a horse, care for horses, and more!!! Their riding school is called The Volkswaggon Riding Academy. It’s awesome and I should know because I go there every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ondina mostly teaches me. I’ll tell you about her, later.
Aurora is the mom of this clan. She is mostly busy these days with her newest horses. Aurora is the one who started the Riding Academy. She is the opposite of Crystal (The Manatee’s mom) because Aurora really doesn’t care where her kids go, just as long as they get their chores done and are home by 6:00. Apparently, she likes the moms back in the 80’s. The Volkswaggons are very disciplined with their chores.
Lee is a Stacie Doll and is pretty quiet. She started out not liking horses, which must have been hard for her because they live on a horse farm. Then, one of her friends told her about being a jockey. Lee convinced her mom, Aurora, to buy her a jockey horse. It worked! Here’s a picture of Lee and her horse, Brenda. Lee loves Brenda so much! And let me tell you, Lee doesn’t like any horse except Brenda! Lee is the best jockey. Aurora is still a bit unsure about this because her family taught tricks and dancing to the horses, but never horse racing. Lee’s friends, the whole Stacie group, are jockeys as well. Her bestie is Charlotte, from my family. Lee works at Llamalia’s Pet Care, part-time, and she likes it. I’ll explain all the stores in Barbie World in a later entry.
Ondina is a Chelsea Doll, is 6 years old. and she is so funny! Her best friend is Kara from the Manatee family. You have probably heard of Ondina from the Manatee entry, they really are close. Anyways, she is really into horseback riding, I mean, how can you not when you live on a horse farm??? Anyways, her horse is kept at the Kramer’s farm because they already have too many horses in training. All the stalls are full. Her horse’s name is Starburst. Ondina is only 6 years old but has won 5 trophies, gotten in 1st place 12 times, and has gone to 3 riding schools for 12 years olds…all for horseback riding! Isn’t that amazing? She is not only super good, but believes in herself, and has a great self-esteem. Her dream is to get to the Olympics in horseback riding, I think she will make it! She also has 1 cat named Munchie Pookie.
Starr and Sky

Starr (her pet dog, Bertanelli) in pink and Sky (her dog, Nacho) in blue
I have to explain these two together because they do most of the same things. Like I mentioned before, Starr and Sky are about 2 months apart from each other, so they are not actually twins, but everyone thinks of them as twins. Starr has a dog named Bertinelli, and Sky has a dog named Nacho.
The Inventors Club
Starr and Sky have a club called The Inventors Club: For Testing and Flinging. Their club is for Chelsea Dolls only. Before I explain their club, I have to tell you a few things first. Starr and Sky love to invent stuff. Sky is the builder, Starr is the designer. Starr designs inventions, gives them to Sky, Sky builds them, and calls the inventors club over to test them out and report feedback. Sometimes things get pretty dangerous, which is why they have multiple Chelsea’s on board to make the Inventors Club safe.
Let me explain all their jobs:
Mary Ann (Kramer Family) – Doctor: in case anything gets out of hand.
Mia Kramer, Kara Manatee, and Ondina Volkswaggon – Testers: they do the dangerous stuff!
Lily Kramer (Part-time) – Backup in case anyone gets hurt/doesn’t show up/not able to make it. Qualified in any job.
Mailey Manatee – Recorder/computer stuff: she works on our website and records how fast they went, how many flips they did, etc., and just works on the computer stuff of the program.
Rachel Macadula – the Secretary: plans when our next meeting will be, plans when we have a meeting at the town hall, talks to the mayor, etc.
Nacho – Sky’s dog/helper with anything, Professionally trained in engineering, used to be Steven Albergani’s dog (Steven Albergani is a famous inventor but he died a few years ago because one of his inventions blew up).
That’s all!
I know I am not in it, but that’s just because I am not interested in that kind of thing. Getting flung around or being a secretary is not something I want to do. I just need to focus on gymnastics and normal stuff kids do. Sky was actually planning on renting a space out in the mall! However, that idea got turned down by their mom. Anyway, they are all Chelsea’s so that’s pretty cool!
Kiki and Brooklyn
Kiki and Brooklyn are toddlers so naturally, I don’t know much about them. Brooke is short for Brooklyn and everyone calls her that, so I’m using Brooke from here on out. Both girls share a bunny named Erenk (toddler names, right?). Erenk has his own cage and was invented by the inventors club. Erenk has a pretty sweet life, Kiki and Brooke love him so much!!!! Kiki loves Erenk the most. Kiki is the one with the piggy tails, and Brooke is the one with the super short hair. Both naturally adorable.
So, that’s the Volkswaggon Family. They’re one, unique family and we hope you enjoyed meeting them! BYE!
Get to know Barbie World more in the Barbie short story, I Live in Barbie World! It gives a good breakdown of all the families and what they do.
**Below are some of the dolls we play with and write about. They’re affiliate links but don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you! It just may or may not give us a little something to help keep the blog going. Thanks for your support!
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I love that you’ve put so much into Barbie World. Such defined characters. They remind me of Madeline L’Engle and her books of intertwining characters.