The weather is caliente.. el verano is here! We LOVE seasonal changes because that means it’s time for a NEW THEME!
Whether we need to brush up, learn, or review our Summer Spanish Vocabulary Words, it’s always great to have fresh words and activities to go with them!
Kids love themes and it helps boost their retention for learning new vocabulary. Take advantage of the summer season and get started! Great resources, like coloring pages, games (like Lotería- Bingo), and other vocabulary/writing activities (like Beach Day Fun- Un Día en La Playa), not only engage and target skills but also make it fun!
El verano- Summer
- junio– June
- julio– July
- agosto– August
La Clima– The Weather
- La lluvia– rain
- la tormenta- thunderstorm
- el sol- sun
- el arco iris- rainbow
And with all this weather, you’ll need:
- el paraguas– an umbrella for rain; if you’re using an umbrella to block out the sun, like at the beach, it’s called la sombrilla.
- las gafas de sol– sunglasses
- el ventilador– fan
And don’t forget el protector solar (sunscreen) and un sombrero (hat) because the sun is bright (el sol es brillante)!
Things to See and Eat in Summer–
If you go on a pícnic, you’ll see wonderful flowers (las flores), especially el girasol (a sunflower) and perhaps a:
- la abeja– bee
- la mariquita– ladybug
- la mariposa–butterfly
- el flamingo– flamingo or a plastic one in someone’s yard
- las gaviotas– seagulls
- la palmera– plam tree
- el jardín– garden
But watch out for those pesky mosquitos and flies (las moscas)! Time to eat some:
- la sandía- watermelon
- el perro caliente- hot dog
- la hamburguesa– hamburger
- la fresa– strawberry
- la paleta– popsicle
- el helado– ice cream
Let’s Play!
- el fútbol– soccer
- nadar– swimming
- el béisbol– baseball
- la tabla de surf– surfboard/surfing
- la pelota de playa– beachball
- la piscina– pool
And we can’t forget about going to el parque de atracciones (amusement park) or on a barco (boat)!
¡Vamos a la playa! Let’s go to the Beach!
We love going to the beach to cool off in the summer! Here’s a list of Beach Vocabulary:
- el océano– ocean
- el mar– sea
- la ola– wave
- la arena– sand
- las conchas– sea shells
- el alga/las algas marinas– seaweed
- el faro-lighthouse
- la toalla de playa– beach towel
- la silla de playa– beach chair
You’ll need to have a la pala (shovel) and el cubo (pail) to build a sandcastle (el castillo de arena)!
✅ And check out the creatures with your snorkle (el esnórquel)!
- el cangrejo- crab
- la estrella de mar- starfish
- el delfín- dolphin
- el tiburón- shark
What you’ll be wearing:
- el traje de baño– bathing suit
- la camiseta– t-shirt
- los pantalones cortos– shorts
- las chancletas– flip flops/ sandals
- el sombrero– hat
⭐️ Check out Vocabulary Activities for great ideas/games to use with or without vocabulary cards.
⭐️ Coloring Pages can be a fantastic resource as well. Check out more on our Summer Coloring Pages HERE!
⭐️ Beach Day vocabualry cards and writing activities are so much fun!
⭐️ Road Tripping? How about a game of BINGO to practice new vocabulary? Grab your BINGO Cards now!
Enjoy the SUMMER Season! Let us know if you have any questions!
Until next time…
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