YES! Another seasonal change means new Spanish vocabulary to learn or review! 🍁 Fall (Otoño) is especially fantasticó because there are many themes within this one season: Halloween, Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos) and Thanksgiving (Acción de Gracias).
Let’s get started! Empecemos!
El Otoño- FAll Vocabulary
Los meses: septiembre (September), octubre (October) and noviembre (November).
- fútbol americano– American football
- el arbol– tree
- las hojas– leaves
- jugando en las hojas– playing in the leaves
- el rastrillo– rake
- la bellota– acorn
- la piña– pinecone
- la calabaza– pumpkin
- las manzanas– apples
- el heno– hay
- la cosecha– harvest
- el tractor– tractor
In a garden (jardín) or at una huerta de calabazas (pumpkin patch), you may see el espantapájaros (a scarecrow) or el búho (an owl) to scare off the deer (el venado), and las ardillas (squirrels).
And don’t forget with all the viento (wind) and las nubes (clouds) to wear your chaqueta (jacket)!
Do you participate in El Halloween? Do you like to be scared (miedo)?
- la linterna de calabaza– jack o’lantern
- los caramelos– candy
- el gato– cat
- la araña– spider
- la telaraña– spiderweb
- la luna– moon
- el caldero– cauldron
- la escoba– broom
- el sombrero de bruja– witch’s hat
- la tumba– tomb
- la casa encantaba– haunted house
- el murciélago– bat
- las películas de miedo– scary movies
Do you like to dress in los disfraces (costumes)? Which ones?
- el fantasma– ghost
- la bruja– witch
- Frankenstein– Frankenstein
- el monstruo– monster
- el zombi- zombie
- el esqueleto– skeleton
- la momia– mummy
Día de los muertos– Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos) is a Mexican holiday (although many other countries also celebrate) that reunites the living and dead. It’s usually celebrated November 1st and 2nd.
Families create las ofrendas (altar offerings) to honor their departed family members that have passed. Altars are decorated with fotos of the deceased, bright yellow marigold flores called caléndula, and their favorite foods and drinks.
The offerings are believed to encourage visits from those that have died. A couple of fun nights with our loved ones filled with music, food and love.
Let’s take a look at some of the vocabulario:
- México– Mexico
- la calavera– sugar skulls
- el papel picado– a decoration: tissue paper with cut-out shapes
- las velas– candles
- la cruz– cross
- el pan de muerto– bread of the dead
- la guitarra– guitar
El Día de Acción de Gracías– Thanksgiving Day
Take a breath from the spirit of Halloween and be grateful. This month of noviembre is meant to be celebrated with things and people you are grateful for. It’s gotten away from its roots of pilgrims (los peregrinos) and Indians (los indios) but the meaning of being grateful is strong (fuerte).
It can be a challenge to think of things, which is why gratitude journals are so popular. They give you prompts and ideas when you feel stuck.
Let’s look at some common Thanksgiving words, which mostly happen to be centered around la comida (food):
- la cena- dinner
- la familia- family
- el pavo- turkey
- el maíz- corn
- el puré de papas- mashed potatoes
- el jugo de carne- gravy
- los rollos- rolls
- la tarta de calabaza- pumpkin pie
- el sombrero de peregrino- pilgrim hat
Whew, what a busy season!
So much fun vocabulary for kids to learn and practice, especially with great engaging activities and resources! Here are some ideas to make your life A LOT easier!
Activities and Resources for the Fall Season:
Check out these other Fall Season Resources and Activities to do with the kids, which include the holidays Halloween, Día de Los Muertos, and Thanksgiving:
*El Otoño Spanish Vocabulary Cards
*Orden Alfabético Fall ABC Order Printables in Spanish
*El Otoño Spanish and Dual Language Coloring Pages
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