Dear diary,
We have a couple more days left in Costa Rica and guess what some of us are doing today? We are not lounging by the pool with the rest of our family. Mom, Lea, Charlotte, Rachel and myself are trying to not itch our POISON IVY! We woke up today all red, blotchy and itchy. Mom says it must have been from climbing around in the jungle yesterday.
What did we do?
Mom noticed right away what it was and she Googled what to do. First, she called the front desk to get some calamine lotion sent up. Calamine lotion stops the itching. While we were waiting, we took turns taking an oatmeal bath. I have never taken an oatmeal bath before and let me tell you, it was pretty awesome. The bath was with cold water, which was different because I always take hot baths. The oatmeal felt great on my itchy skin. I told Brynn that she should try it sometime. She said, “Oatmeal is for eating not for bathing”. She has a point. We also put some cold washcloths on our itchy areas while we were waiting and that helped a little, too.
It seemed like the front desk person took forever. I have never been so itchy in my life! We were taking turns scratching each other and rubbing our backs against the corners of the doorway. Diary, some of our areas were in very hard to reach places, so we also used forks and hangers to itch our backs. It must have been quite a sight to see!
Finally, a guy came and brought the cream, “Ahhhhhh”, we all moaned. It really did the trick. Our itching stopped but we still couldn’t go outside. We had to stay in, keep the cream on and stay out of the sun and water. We made the best of it. I took some pictures of my family. They got a little mad because we all looked horrible but I had to take pictures so I could remember how funny this was.

Mom passed the time reading a book. It’s probably why she’s so smart.

Charlotte watched tv and texted on her phone.

Lea worked on her computer.

Rachel ordered room service all day. I think she had 4 root beer floats. She also took a lot of pictures of birds.
It’s funny that they all “let” me take pictures of them but nobody got a shot of me. Thank goodness, I wouldn’t want to people to see me all red and white! All and all, it wasn’t too bad. We laughed a lot, watched some movies, I wrote in my journal and we all spent time together. Overall, it may not have been awful but I am definitely hitting the resort pool tomorrow! Tomorrow’s our last day in this Costa Rican paradise and I’m going to enjoy every minute.
Bye diary! I’m off to bed, itching is very tiring.
The end
**To start the Costa Rican Adventure from the beginning, click here for Airport Fun! You want to start Rowan’s Diary from the beginning, click on Day 1 in My New Journal.
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