a funny story for kids- my underwear has superpowers!
Lucky t-shirts? Lucky hats? Know anybody that has “lucky” stuff? Well, I do. My mom has “lucky” everything when it comes to Michigan State. Apparently, them winning depends on what t-shirt/sweatshirt she has on and, sometimes, where she sits. And of course, it can change from game to game and frequently it changes in the middle of a game, if they’re losing. Anyway, I have never believed in that type of thing, you know, clothes having special powers-
One day, I got superpowers (which is way better than clothes being lucky) while I was wearing my new blue and white tye dyed underwear! How do I know it was the underwear and not anything else I was wearing? It was the ONLY thing that I had never worn before. And it kept happening…every time I wore them.
Here’s how my EPIC couple of weeks went:
My underwear gave me Super Speed!
One Monday morning (first time I wore them), I was running late for school. Like really, really late – I was already 45 minutes late and takes me 15 minutes to ride there, I was going to be an hour late for school! I hopped on my bike, rode as fast as I could, and prayed that I would somehow get there on time. When I pulled up to the school I saw other kids walking in…I actually arrived early! What other explanation can there be but my underwear gave me superpowers?
My underwear gave me Super Strength! 
In class, the next time I wore them, I noticed my friend Stella was trying to open a bottle of glue and was trying really hard. You know, sometimes those bottles are impossible to open because they glue themselves shut. Well, I went over and with one turn, I opened it! It was so easy for me! Stella looked at me so strange when I handed it back to her. She must have been so amazed at how strong I had become. I said happily, “You’re welcome, friend,” and walked away thinking it has to be my underwear!
My underwear made me Super Smart!
On a Wednesday, we had a test on multiplication (I am not good at multiplication facts. I got a C on our last test) which I had completely forgotten about. But guess what? I knew ALL the answers! And guess what I was wearing? You got it- my blue and white tye dyed underwear.
I would LOVE to have the story end here and say that this continued for the rest of my life but I can’t.
- I couldn’t take it anymore and I had to tell someone about my super-powered underwear. I went home and told my mom everything that had happened. She laughed at my super speed. She said the day I thought I rode my bike super fast and got to school early was actually because my mom and dad forgot to turn the clocks back in the house from Daylight Savings over the weekend. So when I thought I left late, I actually left right on time.
- I told her about the glue thing with Stella, and that turned out to be a misunderstanding, too. She laughed because Stella’s mom had just told her that I was being mean to Stella by going over and opening a glue bottle that she was trying hard to close. OOPS, I thought she was trying to open the glue bottle and couldn’t but she was actually trying to close the bottle. In other words, it was already open and my super strength had nothing to do with it.
- Remember how I aced the multiplication test when I didn’t even study? Turns out, I actually DO know them, even when wearing different underwear. Mom says it’s because I’ve been practicing flash cards and working really hard on them. Hmm..I guess homework and lots of math practice on the weekends really does work. I hate it when my parents are right.
Well people, my underwear may not have superpowers and I may not be a superhero wearing them but I sure did like how I felt when I thought they were giving me superpowers. So from now on, I will have “lucky” underwear and feel like I can do anything. And perhaps, my mom says, Michigan State will win the National Championship if I wear them. Oh brother.
I will just be happy if they bring me some luck on my division test next week!
Hope you enjoyed this story for kids, written by kids! Have you read Is That Me? It’s one of my favorite stories that I’ve written. Just click on the title to read it. Do you like stories about underwear? Exactly, all kids do! We have a couple of suggestions to keep you reading! One story for kids is a picture book called Creepy Pair of Underwear! So funny! The other is a funny series, Captain Underpants. Check them out and Happy Reading Everyone!
**Be sure to sign up for our email! We love telling our readers how we come up with our stories and we give our favorite writing tips/prompts. We hope it inspires you to write your own story for kids!
This is such a great story! What a fabulous writer. My son has written and published his own newspaper since he was 8 in 2017. He created an online course to teach other kids (peer to peer) how to write their own newspapers. You and your kids can preview a class on how to write Pro & Con articles (Class 4, Module 1) at https://strongfoundation.teachable.com/p/the-homegrown-newspaper. Keep up the awesome writing!
Wow- Dylan is such an inspiration! I can’t believe he has a course! I will have to look into this more, thank you so much for the compliment and being a good mom. My mom has helped me and told me great things can happen if you just try, I bet you are the same way.
Aww this was super cute! Loved it!
Thanks Tiffany, glad you liked it!
Cute story!
Cute! I love the drawings! My son loves reading (16 months) so when he’s older I would love to do this with him! Thank you!
Thank you so much, it really brightened my day!