A Christmas Story called The Legend of the Christmas Cactus
Have you ever heard of the Christmas Cactus? Well, let me tell you a little story…
Deep in the hills or hidden in one of the deserts of Phoenix, Arizona, lies a special cactus that once a year has been know to grant wishes.
It’s never in the same place twice. It could be on Red Mountain or on the trails of South Mountain. If you happen to come upon this special cactus wearing a Santa Hat and sometimes a scarf, you can make a Christmas Wish.
Legend has it, that Santa grants a different cactus special Christmas magic. And to those who believe, and for those who seek love, peace, and nature, if you find it, your wish will come true.
It’s not easy to find. You won’t find it in a neighborhood or any populated area. It’s only been found out in the trails of the desert and mountains.
The first known story of the Christmas Cactus,
was about a family traveling in a covered wagon, a long time ago. They were carrying supplies during a cold winter to a newly formed town, Phoenix. The family got lost. They came upon a cactus, in a fork of the trail, wearing a Santa hat. It was kind of leaning towards the trail on the right. They thought it was cute and that perhaps someone from town used it to give them a hint as to which direction they should go. The family wished and hoped that they were right because it was getting cold as the sun went down. If you’ve ever been to the desert in the winter, you know how cold it can get. They followed the trail that the cactus was leaning towards and made it!
The interesting part is that nobody in town actually put a Santa hat on the cactus! Nobody knew anything about it. The Legend began.
One couple said that they were out hiking one day and ran out of water. They had gotten turned around and knew the car was super far away. Just when they thought they couldn’t go on, they found this Cactus wearing a red Santa Hat. The man told that cactus that if it knew Santa, please send help in the form of water. The girl was scared and crying,
The guy mustered up a little energy and stumbled a few more steps. All of sudden, down on the trail was a water bottle, full! They drank it and were able to continue walking. They found their way back to the car, safely.
There are so many stories like this!
Not only has the Christmas Cactus helped wayward settlers and lost or thirsty hikers, but there are also numerous stories of sicknesses being healed, friendships/families being brought back together and in general, overall happiness granted to all those that seek it with a loving heart. We were blessed to find it one year and I wished for snow.
It came true! It ACTUALLY snowed a little here in Mesa, Arizona! The snow didn’t stay and it wasn’t enough to build a snowman but it did snow. My lesson learned that day was to more specific in my wishes. All I wished for was snow, I didn’t say how much. It may have only been a little bit but it was still so beautiful as it covered the ground and hit my skin. All the kids in the neighborhood were outside yelling and screaming! It was amazing.
So, where is it this year? Red Mountain, South Mountain, Flat Iron, Piestewa Peak Trails?
Go out there and find it!
And remember: if you happen to come upon the Christmas Cactus, wish carefully, wish wisely, for this may only be the only time you ever see it in your life.
Merry Christmas Everyone and may you be blessed by the Christmas Cactus!
Please let us know in the comments, have you ever seen the Christmas cactus?
**Do you like Christmas stories? Read Santa’s Workshop!
It comes with coloring pages, too!
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Excellent story! Well done. The next time I’m out hiking, I’ll be looking for the Christmas evergreen scrub with the hat on here in Michigan. Maybe there might be one her. I hope so.
Thanks, Grandpa! And yes, look for one-that would be awesome! And we could write another story about it!