Book Review for Kids on Wayside School is Falling Down
This is one of my most favorite books because it is so weird and funny. It’s the second book (of 4) in the series of the Wayside School Books, the first one being Sideways Stories from Wayside School. You can read this book, though, even if you haven’t read the first one. Sometimes I recommend reading the first one or else you’ll be lost but you’re okay here.
So, what’s it about?
It’s about this school called Wayside School. It’s 30 floors high, except there is no 19th floor. Mrs. Jewls’ Class (where the story takes place) is on the 30th floor, along with all her students.
This book is 30 chapters all about her students and all the fun they have. Another thing I like about this book is the author (Louis Sachar) put himself in the book, as the person who looks after the school. How funny is that?
My favorite character is…
My favorite character is Kathy (a member of Mrs. Jewls’ class) because she likes seeing bad things happen. She always likes it when the kids are sad or mad. It may sound mean but Louis Sachar make it in a funny way not in a horrible, mean way. Her favorite song is Wayside School is Falling Down, which is sung to the tune of London Bridge is falling down.
I also like Bebe and Allison. and I can’t leave out Mrs. Jewls. She’s the nicest teacher in the world! So, really, I have a lot of favorite characters.
My favorite part is…
My favorite part is in Chapter 5. It’s about Sharie and how for show and tell she brings in a hobo. Yes, you heard me right, a HOBO. She found him on the way to school and all the kids think Hobo Bob is great.
Mrs. Jewls ask the class if anyone has any questions for Bob and they all raise their hand. It’s just so funny how Leslie brought a hobo in for show and tell like it’s completely normal and okay. There is NO WAY you could actually do that! I think a teacher would call the police if that ever happened now!
All the questions they ask and Hobo Bob’s answers are hilarious. For instance:
“When’s the last time you took a bath?” asked Jason.
“I never take baths.” said the hobo.
“Oh, wow,” said Jason. “You’re lucky!”
“Do you like to pull girls’ pigtails?” asked Paul.
“Of course,” said Bob. “Who doesn’t?”
There’s a whole bunch more questions and a lot of talk about why he doesn’t wear socks. It’s so funny.
Bob ends up leaving after show and tell but he’s not out of the story…I won’t spoil any of it for you, though ????!
Who’s Wayside Schoool is Falling Down for?
This book is for anyone who loves books about crazy schools, and really just for anyone who likes a good laugh. It’s an easy read, with no tough vocabulary or language. It’s great for a brain break since you’ve been learning so much in school.
The recommended age is 8+. It’d be a fun read-aloud too!
Thanks for reading! 
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