Kids Book Review on the My Weird School Book: Mr. Klutz is Nuts!
My Weird School by Dan Gutman is a series of 21 books! I’m reviewing Book 2: Mr. Klutz is Nuts. Why? Read on and I’ll tell you why I chose this one.
So, what’s it about?
This book series is about 5 kids who go to, well, this very weird school. I bet you wouldn’t have guessed that, would you? ???? The kids are A.J, Emily, Ryan, Andrea, and Michael. The story is told from the perspective of A.J and his experiences at Ella Mentry School. I’m not kidding, that’s the name!
Do you get it?

My favorite part
My favorite book in this series is Mr. Klutz is Nuts because my favorite part of all the books is when the principal, Mr. Klutz does some crazy, fun things! When all the kids get their math pages turned in, he kisses a pig, paints his bald head orange, hangs upside down from the school flagpole, and more! It is by far the funniest and craziest story out there!
My favorite character is…
My favorite character is Emily. She always tries to think positively and is the only one who wants Mr. Klutz to do crazy things.
I should say Emily is my favorite EXCEPT in Mrs. Daisey is Crazy (Book 1) because she was a big jerk in that book.

Who’s Mr. Klutz is Nuts for?
It’s an easy chapter book that is good for grades 2-3.
I also think kids that say they don’t like reading (because they’re reading the wrong books) would like these books. They’re funny and will keep you laughing and wanting to see what’s next.
If you liked this series then check out these similar series, but with a different name, My Weirder School and My Weirdest School! They’re both really fun book series’, too! With all these books, it will keep you reading for a long time!
Also, if you like Dan Gutman Books check out Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar (which in my opinion, is better). You can read my review HERE! And for other book reviews, you can click here to go to Book Talk!
Happy Reading!

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